Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What is this?!?!

It has been two weeks since I have been eating gluten-free. I have read that some people start to notice feeling better at the two week mark. That's not quite how it has been here. I have had all over body pain, especially in my hands. It has been present for three days with today being the worst.

I have a friend that sent me a link about gluten or wheat withdrawal. But it looks like if that were the case, the withdrawal symptoms would have started sooner. What about you? Have you experience what might be gluten or wheat withdrawal? Comment below. As for me, I think it's just because my body hasn't healed, yet. I've had these symptoms for years, so I think it's just more of the same.

My family has mostly gone gluten free, especially my son with disorders. None of them seem to be going through any withdrawal. I'd like to hear your experiences. We can all learn from each other.


  1. Sometimes when you start getting rid of gluten all kinds of odd symptoms start showing up. The more I learned about gluten the more I realized even symptoms I didn't think we're related actually were!

  2. It's amazing that all these symptoms I've had that doctors couldn't figure out could be attributed to Celiac. I'm really looking forward to feeling healthy.
